
A WebGarden blogja

Networking, Hungarians in Morocco

2017. január 09. 17:36 - webgarden

In this post we keep on telling our experience of the last trip of November. Much to the delight of us, we were invited to two events by His Excellency, Miklós Tromler, Hungarian Ambassador to Morocco and his colleagues. On Wednesday evening, we participated a Piano Night, organized in the building…

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Morocco – The first impact: office opening, setting-up a company

2017. január 06. 14:33 - webgarden

We have a busy, tiring but even more exciting and productive journey behind us. We are back from Morocco, with a lots of information, ideas and plans. As we promised, in this post we are going to share our experience of Morocco with our readers, what we personally gained there, preparing the set-up…

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Marokkó - Az első benyomás: irodanyitás, cégalapítás

2017. január 03. 14:56 - webgarden

  Sűrű, fárasztó, de annál izgalmasabb és produktívabb út áll mögöttünk. Visszatértünk Marokkóból tele információval, ötletekkel és tervekkel. Ebben a bejegyzésben ígéretünkhez híven megosztjuk olvasóinkkal a Marokkói tapasztalatainkat, amiket személyesen, a helyszínen szereztünk, előkészítve a…

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Why Morocco?

2016. november 18. 15:23 - webgarden

At the 10th anniversary of our company we reached a major milestone: we have decided to open an office in another continent: Africa, Morocco. Over the next few months, we’ll constantly inform the public on the LinkedIn and Facebook profiles of our company about our experiences, impressions and…

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