
A WebGarden blogja

CSR program for companies by WebGarden

2020. június 15. 16:00 - webgarden


WebGarden is committed to sustainability, the environment and animal welfare. Therefore, we've established the Special Animal Rescue Unit Foundation. In 2019, we've already rescued, rehabilitated and placed dozens of severely injured animals in caring, loving families.

The foundation’s modern and special equipment allows us to assist animal welfare organizations in various special rescues continuously.

95 percent of the foundation's operations are financed by WebGarden, more precisely by WebGarden's clients.

We believe that socially responsible companies will be thanked by their customers for this responsible behavior.

That’s why we’ve introduced our CSR program, in which our clients can help reaching the noble goal without costing them extra money. All they have to do is choosing us.

We offer 5 percent of the revenue generated by each of our new clients to the Special Animal Rescue Unit Foundation. We always issue a certificate about the offer that can be displayed on our customer‘s website, but we can also send it to them in paper format.

Thus, our company not only provides quality service at an affordable price, but also helps those who are perhaps the most vulnerable and most grateful: animals in trouble.

Large enterprises, start-ups and SMEs can also choose from our company's wide-ranging and personalized services.

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